Just as He Said!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. (Matthew 28:6)
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. (Matthew 28:6)

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. (Matthew 28:6)

Do YOU believe it?  Do YOU believe what God says? The Bible foretold of our Saviour Jesus way back in Genesis 3:15.

Do YOU believe it… Just as He said?  There is a sad, growing trend, to dismiss Genesis as fact, even in many our our Bible preaching churches.  We have decided to believe fallible man’s opinion rather than infallible God’s Word.  If you don’t believe what He said about our Saviour in Genesis, why would you believe it in Matthew?

So, do YOU believe it?  Just as He said?  He is not here; He has risen!

Happy Resurrection Day.  It happened JUST AS HE SAID, starting from Genesis.

– John